Scary stuff. But it’s happening. Scary words, too: fascist, and the rest. It’s been ramping up at least since June, in Lafayette Park in DC.
Since Trump was elevated to the presidency (not elected – remember that he lost in 2016) I have written a series of anti-Trump blog posts here – unfocused rants, for the most part. In the first one I said the Trump era would not end well. Elsewhere I have predicted civil war. With such a blatantly divisive imbecile in the oval office these were not particularly insightful observations, but seeing them on the brink of realization is terrifying, indeed.
The present unrest (sorry for the cliche) is a direct outgrowth of George Floyd’s death, and the logical culmination of the thousand-plus days of Trump. The World Socialist Website says that by sending federal paramilitary forces into major U.S. cities, the ruling class is preparing for war. They may be right.
For a time I thought that if dump loses the 2020 election it would be his followers instigating insurrection. Now I’m not so sure. The widespread demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by the Minneapolis cops tells me where the rage really is: not in fringe right wing lunatics (even though they rage, and are heavily armed) but with the majority of us decent people in cities large and small, who have been unalterably opposed to this fraudulent menace, this malignancy, this useless idiot – and who understand a second term spells the end of the United States.
Yes, dump is losing in the polls. I have no doubt the vast majority of us may vote him out. Will the votes count? I’m certain that he and his minions will try to steal another election via voter suppresion and other unconscionable means that decent people would never even think of, let alone actually do.