Saturday, August 10, 2013

Anal-Retentive yadda yadda

The appearance of text on a page is important to me. This site – Blogger, or Blogspot, whatever the hell it's called – allows only limited control of a page's appearance. One of the issues I've had with them lately is leading.

Leading is a printer's term, defined at right. I prefer a certain leading.

Below are two sample blocks of text. The words themselves are not relevant. See if you can tell the difference in the appearance of these two sample blocks.

Sample block of text, along the lines of the quick brown fox jumping over a lazy dog or a little frog or a lumpy log in the pea-soup fog, well-orchestrated strains of straining linear liner notes...

Sample block of text, along the lines of the quick brown fox jumping over a lazy dog or a little frog or a lumpy log in the pea-soup fog, well-orchestrated strains of straining linear liner notes...

The difference is obvious enough. The leading is greater in the second example.

Blogger/Blogspot provides templates with default HTML, the stuff underlying web pages that helps define its appearance. The default HTML always used to provide the tighter leading seen in the first example. But somewhere along the line it changed. I can't stand the newer appearance.

It took me a while to figure out just what was different. Now that I have, I go through the HTML of each post and change the markup to set the preferred leading. It doesn't take much effort; I do it with search-and-replace.

What am I, some kind of control freak?

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